Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Client?

I got a contact form from my website from someone interested in interviewing me to possibly be their doula! I'm excited. I emailed her back, but haven't heard anything else at this point. She's due in June. 

I had a bit of a mini crisis as I wondered about the timing of things. We may or may not be here then. So do I tell potential clients that I will be their doula as long as I'm still around? Do I just go on "as if" nothing is going to change and we'll still be living here? I'm just really unsure as to whether or not to say anything.

But, if we are still here, and I do get hired by this new mama, then that means 3 clients in 4 months! That may not seem like much, but to me that signifies huge growth in my "business." Kinda fun to think about!


K.M. March 7, 2011 at 2:18 PM  

Thats a hard decision to make. If you tell her you wont be here, then she might look elswhere. But to not give her a head up would be unfair.

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